Neighbor Original Young and the Golden rule (1792)

Original Young was a farmer or planter in Fauquier Country, Virginia who owned land in the late 1700’s next to the O’Rear quarter or plantation on the waters of the Cedar Run. From frequent mention in the old records we can conclude that he was a man of some consequence in that area. Records indicate hat the "Quarter" was operated by negro slave labor, evidently under an "Overseer" or farm manager. The following letter was found in the John O’Rear desk from Cloverfield, in Prince WilliamCounty, and illustrates that labor problems have changed very little since that day:

July 26th (17)92


As we have as families been long acquainted and as we ought to do to our neighbors as we could wish he should do unto us I now inform you that I was at my field this day with my People and as I returned Home I seed your Overseer at a distance fixing for a Broad at about 12 O’Colock to Fairfax and saw him send a fellow into your Corn House for Corn (...uninteligible ... ) you no your own Prudance will tell you that if you can make known I was the informer I shall be under the Scorge. You may ride over in the morning and inquire of the Negroes as he is not to return till Sunday too long at this time of the year for any man to leave the employment of another Judge ye

Your Servant


NB The Bearer don’t know what I write to you. Nor no other person. (To Enoch Orear)